A Case of Sheehan’s Syndrome Developing Mania Following Low Dose Corticosteroid Therapy

Kaberi Bhattacharya

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Sheehan’s syndrome (Postpartum pituitary necrosis) is a rare complication of postpartum hemorrhage first described in 1937. Patients with Sheehan’s syndrome usually present with clinical features of anterior pituitary hormone deficiency. Psychiatric manifestations of Sheehan syndrome has rarely been studied systematically. We are presenting a case of a young female with manic symptoms who has recently been diagnosed as a case of Sheehan’s Syndrome. Patient developed manic symptoms after getting low dose corticosteroids. Patient was managed with low dose steroid, thyroxin and antipsychotics. Psychiatric manifestations might be presenting feature or might appear later in course of the disease process. They might be manifestations of the disease process itself, or may be generated as complications of treatment.

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